senior moment 在 JENN LEE 21FW- Love Planet VR360- London Fashion Week 的影片資訊
觀秀注意事項: 1. 請將畫質調高至2160,以取得最佳畫面清晰度。 2. 若有VR頭盔或Google Cardboard,建議務必佩戴使用,將有身歷其境的非凡體驗。 PLEASE NOTICE: ...
觀秀注意事項: 1. 請將畫質調高至2160,以取得最佳畫面清晰度。 2. 若有VR頭盔或Google Cardboard,建議務必佩戴使用,將有身歷其境的非凡體驗。 PLEASE NOTICE: ...
Nampak so jakunis Odah Icah..’ Tujuan sy beri pendedahan kpd Senior Executive staf, Niza dan yg lain...
Ikut sy, buat majlis kenduri ajim nanti, sehabis ringkas boleh.. bajet dlm 30k-50k je buat dekat rum...
Self Coaching and Listening Within ~ (The Moment)ep250 Part 1 Date:10, June, 2019 8pm Guest:Angela S...
Allen Iverson came into the camp without a big reputation, but by the end of the camp was arguably t...
將要碰壁的一刻,你要做一個決定,換一個立場,還是轉身逃跑?Songs for a New World 以歌曲捕捉這一瞬間,探討生命、愛和抉擇,屬於今天的故事和人物,再以音樂開展新世界。作曲及填詞Jas...
ALLEN IVERSON played with a chip on his shoulder the size of Gibraltar. It was his fuel. Sometimes ...